Seguridad Global

[tt_gm_info_block_shortcode sort_1=”o-subtitle” sort_2=”o-title” sort_3=”o-separator” sort_4=”o-description” title=”SECURITY SOLUTIONS” title_size=”30″ title_space=”30″ subtitle=”Providing Cost Effective” desc_space=”50″ sp_space=”40″ b_title=”GET ESTIMATE” link=”#” txt_color=”#ffffff” alignment=”center” line=”yes” description=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed dol eiusmod tempor incididunt dolor magna aliqua ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco aboris nisi aliquip commod conseque aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esvse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur enimadm nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip exea consequat.

More than five decades in industry gives us the power to perform every day and every time.“]Guаrd Mаѕtеr оffеrѕ уоu wіth thе rіght ѕесurіtу ѕоlutіоnѕ thаt mееt уоur nееdѕ аnd budgеt. Wіth a wеаlth оf еxреrіеnсе іn рrоvіdіng gооd ѕесurіtу ѕуѕtеmѕ, wе еnѕurе thаt уоur реrѕоnnеl аrе ѕаfе frоm hаrm аnd ореrаtіоnѕ саn run аѕ ѕmооthlу аnd еffісіеntlу аѕ роѕѕіblе wіthоut hіndrаnсе. Our ѕоlutіоnѕ аrе соѕt еffесtіvе аnd dеѕіgnеd tо ѕаvе уоu mоnеу bу еnѕurіng thаt уоur рrеmіѕеѕ аrе рrоtесtеd аgаіnѕt unwаntеd іntrudеrѕ аnd уоur ѕtаffѕ аrе рrоtесtеd аgаіnѕt аttасk аnd еxрlоіtаtіоn.

More than five decades in industry gives us the power to perform every day and every time.[/tt_gm_info_block_shortcode]

[tt_gm_button_shortcode title=”Get Estimate” link=”#” add_icon=”yes” type_icon=”fa fa-bluetooth”]
[tt_gm_button_shortcode title=”Who We Are” link=”#” txt_color=”#555555″ btn_bg=”#f7f7f7″ border=”#2c2e30″ add_icon=”yes” icon_color=”#2c2e30″ icon_bg=”#f7f7f7″ border_icon=”#2c2e30″]
[tt_gm_title_shortcode title_type=”type_2″ title=”SERVICES BENEFITS” title_color=”#ffffff” sbtitle=”Our highly trained & qualified teams available to implement security measures around any Retail, Commercial or Industrial Site” sbtitle_color=”#ffffff” sptitle=”TAKE A LOOK AT” sptitle_color=”#ffffff” el_class=”teaser-subtitle”]
[tt_gm_list_content_shortcode][tt_gm_list_content_item_shortcode title=”Technical Security Surveys” info=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipisicing elit eiusod tempor incididunt dolor semagna aliqua” itemcolor=”#ffffff”][tt_gm_list_content_item_shortcode title=”CCTV Systems Network” info=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipisicing elit eiusod tempor incididunt dolor semagna aliqua” itemcolor=”#ffffff”][/tt_gm_list_content_shortcode]
[tt_gm_list_content_shortcode list_content_type=”style_2″][tt_gm_list_content_item_shortcode title=”Mobile Petrol Managment” info=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipisicing elit eiusod tempor incididunt dolor semagna aliqua” itemcolor=”#ffffff”][tt_gm_list_content_item_shortcode title=”Access Control Systems” info=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipisicing elit eiusod tempor incididunt dolor semagna aliqua” itemcolor=”#ffffff”][/tt_gm_list_content_shortcode]
[tt_gm_title_shortcode title_type=”type_4″ title=”CALL US ON 0800 123 4567 TO DUSCUSS YOUR SECURITY REQUIREMENTS” titles_color=”#ffffff” sbtitle=”You can also email us for a FREE Estimate , We usually reply within 48 hours.”]
[tt_gm_info_block_shortcode sort_1=”o-subtitle” sort_2=”o-title” sort_3=”o-blockquote” sort_4=”o-separator” sort_5=”o-description” title=”OUR TEAMS” title_space=”30″ subtitle=”The Security Specialists” blq=”-: We have highly trained staff available that implement security measures around any Retail, Commercial or Industrial Site.” teaser_size=”16″ blq_space=”30″ sp_space=”40″ line=”yes” undefined=””]

  • The Exectives Team Members
  • Office Management
  • Security Supervisors


[tt_gm_team_slider_shortcode][tt_gm_team_slider_item_shortcode image=”1855″ name=”carige J. smith” position=”-: Event Manager” social_fb=”#” social_li=”#” social_tw=”#” social_google=”#”][tt_gm_team_slider_item_shortcode image=”1853″ name=”carige J. smith” position=”-: Event Manager” social_fb=”#” social_li=”#” social_tw=”#” social_google=”#”][tt_gm_team_slider_item_shortcode image=”1854″ name=”carige J. smith” position=”-: Event Manager” social_fb=”#” social_li=”#” social_tw=”#” social_google=”#”][tt_gm_team_slider_item_shortcode image=”1856″ name=”carige J. smith” position=”-: Event Manager” social_fb=”#” social_li=”#” social_tw=”#” social_google=”#”][/tt_gm_team_slider_shortcode]
[tt_gm_brands_shortcode][tt_gm_brands_item_shortcode image=”1411″][tt_gm_brands_item_shortcode image=”1412″][tt_gm_brands_item_shortcode image=”1413″][tt_gm_brands_item_shortcode image=”1410″][tt_gm_brands_item_shortcode image=”1411″][tt_gm_brands_item_shortcode image=”1409″][/tt_gm_brands_shortcode]
[tt_gm_title_shortcode title_type=”type_2″ title=”READ LATEST NEWS” sbtitle=”We offer some best security products in our shop adipisicing elit eiusmod tempor” sptitle=”WHAT’S HAPPENING”]
[tt_gm_count_shortcode title=”EVENTS SERVED” number=”1K+”]
[tt_gm_count_shortcode title=”QUALIFIED STAFF” number=”450″]
[tt_gm_count_shortcode title=”OUR LOCATIONS” number=”1200″]
[tt_gm_count_shortcode title=”AREA SERVING” number=”550″]
[tt_gm_info_block_shortcode sort_1=”o-blockquote” sort_2=”o-title” sort_3=”o-separator” title=”OUR PRODUCTS” title_space=”30″ blq=”We produce best products in industry” teaser_size=”16″ blq_space=”15″ sp_space=”40″ alignment=”center”][/tt_gm_info_block_shortcode]
[tt_gm_info_block_shortcode sort_1=”o-blockquote” sort_2=”o-title” sort_3=”o-separator” title=”PRICING PLANS” title_space=”30″ blq=”Providing security solutions that makes your life easier” teaser_size=”16″ blq_space=”15″ sp_space=”40″ alignment=”center”][/tt_gm_info_block_shortcode]
[tt_gm_price_shortcode price_type=”style_2″ title=”BASIC” info=”-: Ideal for New Startups” price=”39″ text=”Buy this now” link=”#”]

  • 5 Security Guards
  • 1 Week Free Security
  • 10 CCTV Cameras Installation
  • Technical Security Surveys
  • Free ACS


[tt_gm_price_shortcode price_type=”style_2″ title=”standart” info=”-: Ideal for New Startups” price=”69″ text=”Buy this now” link=”#”]

  • 5 Security Guards
  • 1 Week Free Security
  • 10 CCTV Cameras Installation
  • Technical Security Surveys
  • Free ACS


[tt_gm_price_shortcode price_type=”style_2″ title=”business” popular=”yes” info=”-: Ideal for New Startups” price=”89″ text=”Buy this now” link=”#”]

  • 5 Security Guards
  • 1 Week Free Security
  • 10 CCTV Cameras Installation
  • Technical Security Surveys
  • Free ACS


[tt_gm_price_shortcode price_type=”style_2″ title=”PEMIUM” info=”-: Ideal for New Startups” price=”99″ text=”Buy this now” link=”#”]

  • 5 Security Guards
  • 1 Week Free Security
  • 10 CCTV Cameras Installation
  • Technical Security Surveys
  • Free ACS


[tt_gm_info_block_shortcode sort_1=”o-blockquote” sort_2=”o-title” sort_3=”o-separator” title=”ENVIANOS UN MENSAJE” title_space=”30″ blq=”Proporcionando soluciones de seguridad que hacen su vida más fácil.” teaser_size=”16″ blq_space=”15″ sp_space=”40″ alignment=”center”][/tt_gm_info_block_shortcode]